Friday 17 February 2017

How is a Social media Strategy good for Business Growth?

Social media networks are experiencing extreme amounts of traffic each day. The traffic poses an enormous online potential that cannot be ignored by any business. Implementing an online social media strategy to tap this potential can help your business get the extra boost it needs. Social Media Optimization, Digital Marketing Services, Search Engine Optimization are the important social media strategies that will make your business stand out.  Still, not sure?  Below are five important facts to show you how social media has become an integral part of any business today;

1. Higher targeted traffic  Well-placed posts in social media can get the attention of so many people who can be potential clients to the business. Using social media as a marketing strategy for your company cannot be compared to anything. You can reach very many people even ones you never knew exist.

2. Easy to reach audience both locally and globally Social media has become the home of everyone. It takes a second to convey information to millions of people in any part of the world. In return, you too find out what people are interested in through what they share. Understanding the interest of your targeted customers helps you package your products and services to meet their needs.

3. Improved customer services Customers keep the business going. You get feedback from customers in real time. This information plays a significant role in product growth, retention of current customers and also reaching out to new clients.

3. Increases brand awareness 91% of brands are using more than one social media platform. You don't want to be left out. If your competitor reaches out your potential customers first, then it will be harder for you to catch up with them. For any business, new or in existence brand awareness is basic. Strong social media presence goes a long way in creating brand loyalty. 

4. Relationship building As a business, you can get an insight of your customer's daily lives in this social forums. An example is Twitter and Instagram where you can read their twits and status updates. You can also easily learn about your competitors, this will help you adjust your marketing strategy if possible. You also get to connect with complementary businesses, thought leaders and even journalists who cover your industry and many other relationships that can help improve your business.

5. More sales

about 70% of business to consumer marketers acquire their customer through social media. It is the dream of every business to make more and more sales. By exploiting Social Media Optimization strategies, you stay in front of your customer base, and they are more likely to contact you when they need the products you offer. It also gives you an opportunity of constantly giving them incentives to buy.

Technology keeps changing every day. Many people prefer latest Digital Marketing Services as they tend to have more exciting features. Every business should make an effort of updating themselves of the current social platforms and use them if they want to realize better results. Businesses should also make a follow up on any issue raised on this platform to create trust and a better client relationship.